Yoga and health
'Yoga' is surely one of India's most important contributions to the world. It has been practiced since ancient times and led to many forms of enlightenment.
What exactly is Yoga, and why is it so vital today?
going back to the roots of the word, 'Yoga' has its origins in Sanskrit : It means "to unite". It unites the body and the mind. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
yoga is a collection of poses, or 'asanas,' combined with breathing techniques that assist to strengthen and stretch the body while balancing the mind and its thoughts. Yoga, unlike other physical types of exercise such as aerobics, allows one to achieve not only physical but also mental and spiritual well-being.
Yoga's goal is to improve the body's overall health. It has been proven to be effective for a range of ailments and yet is not regarded as a treatment for a specific sickness. yoga takes a comprehensive approach to teach individuals how to live healthy and stress-free lives.
Nowadays, most people suffer from stress. They want to perform. They want to have it all. This leads to diseases. Yoga strives to calm our minds, allowing us to focus clearly on what matters most - good health and its appreciation.
A good mental health is critical to maintaining physical health.
Breathing technique is an important part of yoga. By breathing deeply and correctly during a practice, you are inhaling more oxygen and allowing your body's cells to have access to IT for a longer time.
Breathing from one nostril at a time while closing the other one with the tip of your finger is a classic breathing technique. According to medical study, this stimulates brain's activity, resulting in improved cognitive performance. Children with attention deficit disorder, as well as those suffering from anxiety, sadness, and mood swings, benefit from regular yoga practice. It also aids in the relaxation of the mind and the reduction of tension, thereby improving overall well-being.
Have you ever wondered why, after a long day at work, so many of us come home and collapse on our sofas, unable to do anything? Lack of inner strength is the reason. Yoga asanas aid in the development of inner strength which is necessary for day-to-day tasks as well as injury prevention.
This is especially beneficial as we age and require more energy and power to perform the same task.
The prevalent belief that you must be flexible to do yoga is wrong. Instead, you should practice yoga to become more flexible. You will find it easier to complete chores if you have a flexible body. Many of the poses in Yoga are designed to stretch and improve flexibility.
Yoga works not only the muscles but also the softer tissues of the body, resulting in reduced lactic acid build-up, which causes stiffness in various sections of the body. Yoga increases the range of motion of the inner muscles that aren't used as much and aids in joint lubrication. It results in a more flexible body that can easily do what you need it to do!
Yoga has numerous beneficial impacts on our body's cardiovascular system. Heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension are caused by an unhealthy cardiovascular system. Sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, and negative thoughts are the usual culprits.
Our bodies are affected by our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Negative thoughts or emotions trigger a cascade of complex and unhealthy chemical reactions throughout the body. It signals that something is wrong. Through deep breathing, providing fresh oxygen, yoga helps controlling them. Yoga's antioxidant characteristics do wonders in the prevention of bad emotions, and it enhances physical well-being.
People with joint discomfort, inflammation, and stiffness have a natural predisposition to avoid activity. Yoga tones the muscles and loosens the joints, which helps to prevent the disease from progressing. When a person with joint pain does yoga, the gentle stretching and strengthening motions of the various poses improve blood flow to the muscles and tissues that support the joints, making it easier to move.
Certain asanas have been shown to aid people with asthma and other respiratory disorders. When the nasal passages become inflamed, they produce an excessive amount of mucus, making it harder to breathe and causing common symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and so on. Multiple variables, such as allergies, exercise, and weather change, can cause respiratory issues. The capacity of the lungs, as well as stamina and stress on the airways, increase with yoga practice.
Numerous cases of back pain have been treated by yoga. Stress and tension in the muscles that support the spinal cord create back pain.
It can be caused by poor posture, minor injuries untreated etc… Yoga decreases back pain by increasing flexibility and strengthening the muscular groups supporting the spine. As a result, the body has a more upright posture. It increases blood flow and delivers nutrients to muscles. It also strengthens them to prevent additional injuries.
Through emphasis on concentration and meditation, yoga helps with the retention of information for a longer period. More blood rushes to the brain when you breathe properly, concentrate, and meditate, making it ready to take more information and duplicate it when needed.
Obesity can be attributed to poor eating habits, stress-related eating, digestive and endocrine system abnormalities, or even something as simple as a lack of physical activity. Yoga aids weight loss by boosting oxygen intake, which aids in the breakdown of fat cells and the increase of metabolism. It also aids in the removal of sluggishness from the digestive and endocrine systems, allowing them to function more effectively.
Regular yoga practice has anti-aging properties. It refreshes the mind and encourages a pleasant, stress-free outlook on life. Being more flexible, fit, and mentally agile also slows down the ageing process. Overall happiness and a positive outlook on life reflect on the face as well as the inside.
The liver is the body's natural detoxification system. A healthy liver effectively cleanses the blood of bad fat and aids in the utilization of good fat. Certain yoga postures can help the liver work better. Example of healthy liver asanas: cobra pose and bow pose
The thyroid produces the hormone that regulates the body's metabolism (high or low). Hypothyroidism, or decreased thyroid activity, is the most common cause of weight gain.
Example of stimulating asanas for the thyroid : fish pose and shoulder stand.
Nerve tension heat and length are used to generate internal heat in the body which can burn both deep and low-lying fat.
Example of heat building asanas :lunge and seated forward bend.
Jogging is a common way to raise heart rate to lose weight, but it also stresses the neurological system which should be avoided as much as possible. It is preferable to use activities that boost the heart rate for a brief time and then lower it when losing weight. Yoga is perfect for that.
Weight loss can be aided by yoga movements that lengthen and shorten muscles. Muscles utilise fat as a source of energy and will continue to do so even at rest.
Example of all body muscles engaging asana : arm Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.